Here are some key signs that you need to be on the lookout for. I know that you’re probably thinking that you’re going on one adult date after and things are going to turn out really well for you. Well, I’m sorry to be the one to break this to you but a lot of adult dates end up disastrously because guys allow themselves to get ripped off.
Many adult dates are actually structured in such a way to separate you from your hard earned dollars. I know it sounds fucked up. I know that you’d rather hear something else but this is the truth. You have to understand that you are sending off signals whenever you are communicating with the members of the opposite sex. Let’s put it this way, if you’re going to go fishing and you use jewelry, fancy cars, and lots of money as bait, what do you think you will catch? You will catch gold diggers. You will catch women who will try to take you for everything that you’ve got.
You have to pay attention to how you’re communicating with them and how you’re presenting yourself to the greater world. Otherwise, the online dating world is simply going to chew you up and spit you out. There are too many guys going on adult dates that end up used and abused. They might not have physical bruises but they got emotionally bruised because they’re just walking wallets. You’re not a walking bank account.
Sure you want to fuck anonymously. You want to have sex with all sorts of hotties. I get all that, but the problem is if you allow yourself to be put in a certain situation, those adult dates are going to be very costly and probably fuck your self-confidence up for a long time. Don’t let this happen, the first thing you need to do is pay attention to what you’re saying. How are you marketing yourself?
You have to remember that adult dating websites like adultdate.org and anonymous dating apps are all about marketing. When people post up their dating profiles, they’re marketing themselves. Don’t for a second think that you’re not selling yourself. That’s what you’re doing, you’re selling yourself. To put it uncharitably, you are pimping yourself. Now, the question to ask is how do you choose to pimp yourself? Are you using truthful claims or are you blowing smoke? I’m telling you if you blow smoke and you try to pretend to be something you’re not, eventually, it will catch up to you and you will get ripped off.
Second, never let women walk all over you. Women are looking for strong men. They are looking for men with integrity and character. In many cases, they are looking for men who will call them out on their bullshit and put them in their place. This is not a question of domination. This is not a question of sexist and misogyny. It’s a question of being respectful. You’re not being respectful when you pander to people. You’re not being respectful when you tell them bullshit that you think they want to hear.
You’re being respectful when you stand your ground and they stand their ground and you see each other eye to eye. That’s the kind of strength many women gravitate to. They like guys who tell it like it is. Be that guy. There are too many guys who think that if they say the wrong words then chicks will disappear, or they won’t have a chance getting into those panties.
Well if you’re that guy, you are simply being weak. You are a coward and you are looking to lie your way in between a woman’s legs. Sure, that may work with some weak women but strong women will call you out and you will be exposed being the punk bitch that you are. Consider yourself warned.